TAP Compliance.

Confidence through licensing.

Along with regular templates, oversight and guidance from our dedicated compliance team, TAP is committed to providing all advisers with a pathway to business success within this new regulatory environment.

“It gives me a lot of confidence knowing there are people behind me who are ready to step in and help me with licensing at any point.”

Shakeel Lal

Halo Advisers

TAP Compliance Subscription

Directors under the new regulations must have proper governance and oversight in place. This demonstrates your FAP is operating in line with documented policies and processes that meet your licence obligations.

At TAP, we provide a compliance subscription service that achieves just that, but without the heavy cost and time burden.

6 Client file audits annually

TAP will audit three full client files twice a year, checking compliance documentation for completion, consistency, and accuracy. A detailed report with feedback and recommendations is provided.

Annual review and updates

This reviews how your business is complying with your documented policies, processes and registration requirements. TAP can assist with updating any areas that need to be addressed.

Quarterly reports

Stay on top of your compliance duties and obligations with quarterly reports that provide key metrics for monitoring your FAP. The report demonstrates you have the oversight needed to confirm you’re operating a sound business.

Compliance team support

From compliance requirements, complaints and anything in between, our compliance team is here to help.

FAP Full Licence Applications

We believe in the independent adviser being able to run their own FAP.

However, applying for your FAP’s Full Licence is not a quick or easy process. TAP has the expertise and tools to take the time and stress out of the process. Let us take care of it for you.

Our FAP Licence Management:

–  Review your current FAP structure and identify potential gaps.
–  Provide any necessary tools, policies and processes to fill those gaps.
–  Help submit the application and complete the FMA assessment.
–  Assist with your ongoing oversight and compliance obligations.

All TAP Members have access to our Licence Application Management and the services below. Talk to us today about how we can help prepare your business for success.

Audit Services

Once you have your Full Licence you need confidence that your process and documentation is always audit ready. We provide cost effective file reviews and feedback as often as you require.

Compliance Support

Our dedicated team is always on hand to provide you with specialised compliance and regulatory advice and support whenever you need it.

Advice Templates

If you don’t have your own, or you just want to ensure yours are compliant, members have access to our full suite of advice templates, documents policies & processes.

Complaints Handling

Not only does the CRM track and document complaints, all TAP members also have access to a team of industry experts who provide assistance with challenging issues.

When are you free? Let’s talk.

Interested in how TAP can impact your business? Book a no obligation chat with the TAP team to find out more